Meet the Team

Team Member 1

Kyle Jones

Chief Executive Officer (Psychotically Infatuated With Sweet Tea)

Team Member 2


Chief Technology Officer (I Made The Website)

Team Member 3

Andreas Gschwandtner

Porter (Bathroom Cleaner)

Team Member 4

Bryant Mutisya

Diverse Co-Founder (He's Here for fun)

Team Member 5

Zachary Vanpatten

In House (Non-Funny) "Comedian"

Team Member 6

Parker Schneider

Assistant/Cameraman (Cool Guy) At least cooler than Andreas

Team Member 7


Backend of website(We do not feed him)

Our Mission

To produce only the finest of sweet teas and ensure tested quality of our product.

Our Story

Our story begins in a humble small town in northeast Iowa. The town is called Shanksburghetteburghingtown, home of the tin cans. Our founders, Kyle Jones, Zach Rampey, and Bryant Mutisya, were sitting under a dark oak tree, consuming only what others would describe as, "copious amounts of the finest sweet tea known to man." Crazed on some fine sweet tea Kyle asked, "What if we could share our recipe with the world?" Not a single response was thrown out that day to his question, but no response was needed. Immediately they got to work. Not needing to say a single word to each other about anything at all. They were all geeked out on the finest sweet tea known to man and finally met on the main street of Shanksburghetteburghingtown. They all looked at eachother, puzzled almost. They all knew what one another were thinking as the copious amounts of the finest sweet tea known to man essentailly created a hivemind for the three of them. Jacked on the finest sweet tea known to man, they raced down to Summerville South Carolina and set up shop. The shop can't be seen by the average eye, you must consume the finest tea known to man. This is why you need to purchase out product . . . so you can hear the rest of the story.

Only $ 399.99